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Students wearing red. Student in foreground hollering while cupping mouth
2025-2026 Freshman Pre-Registration

The access is now open to pre-register your incoming freshman student to Antelope High School.

Use this link to access our information and please check back frequently for updates on our Future Titan Night in February.

five dancers wearing white hoodies with a multi-colored swirl background
Performing Arts Show Season is upon us!

Drama has already taken center stage with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Coming soon, during the month of December, our Dance, Choir, and Band programs will bring can't miss performances!

(Click the "Athletics Tickets" icon below to reserve your seat now.)

2 basketball players wearing read uniforms and standing between them is one basketball player wearing a white uniform
Winter sports have tipped off!

Support Antelope High and skip the lines by securing your tickets online now. (Click the "Athletics Tickets" button below)

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